April 02, 2007

The God of deadlines

I didn't think I'd wish there weren't a Holy Week to observe. Not at this particular time, at least. I have a book to launch a week after Good Friday (Friday the 13th, in fact) and holidays mean less days for the printer to work on it. Because I know that Holy Week WILL happen, I suffer my own kind of Lenten stress. The kind of stress you go through before a miracle happens.

I've handled miracle book projects before. The most recent one happened just this past Christmas. Only God could have done it. The book, "God's Foot Soldiers" is truly GOD's (will find a way to post its video in this blog, watch for it...) But I think I will never get used to the nerve-wracking anxiety of anticipation. And this is probably where my problem lies.

Yesterday, I led a Bible study on John 6 in the home of a young mother with a baby. The miracles of the feeding of the 5,000 and Jesus walking on the water are recorded in that chapter. There I was, telling the group of young believers how Jesus' disciples didn't seem to "get it" despite the miracles they saw and the teachings they heard from Jesus. It might as well have been ME listening to myself.

It's now my turn in the boat with the disciples straining at the oars against a mighty wind at 3 in the morning. You know the rest of the story. Jesus would show up sooner or later and I would be scared out of my wits upon hearing Him say,"Hi, it's Me!" Then, I would say over and over again, "Oo nga po, oo nga po, Kayo'y Diyos, Kayo'y Diyos..."

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