Death before me laid sublime,
Its path I followed blindly.
Excruciating regret with no reprieve,
The wrath of God awaited me.
Until my Savior stopped my tracks!
Oh what undeserved mercy!
That He instead walked death's path
To make a sinner holy.
Lifted up for helpless man,
The Christ took a stead so lowly.
Indignation that was surely mine
He bore on the Cross of Calv'ry.
My soul, let tears flow
And bottle them up tightly.
May the majestic vision consume pride,
See that it never be taken lightly.
Yet sing, O heart! No longer be faint
For love shed so broadly,
The blood of the Perfect One
Atones for sins of many.
Yes, my Savior is alive,
Over death He comes in vict'ry!
My grave cannot keep him down,
Oh sorrow has made sweet symphony.
And joy is come with shouts of praise
For the Christ's tomb is empty.
Accepted! Oh, His sacrifice
He finished His work completely!
Boundless bliss in God's glory is mine,
I will wake to heaven's reveille.
Can it be that I am now a child?
Treasures in Christ now abound me.
Let the nations be quickened here and now!
Turn from sin-slavery!
The Just and Justifier has come
And dispenses grace so freely.
- July 9, 2007
beautiful, ate joy! :)
the words of a redeemed heart rising as an aroma of praise and gratitude to the Redeemer.
ahm, it's rhea who wrote this poem. not me (wish it were). i confess that i write poetry only when i'm under great stress (i think they call it duress).
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